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Pencil cactus Live Tree eurphobia tirucalli/ Indian tree

Shipped same 4'pencil cactus/eurphobia tirucalli/bareroot no pot or soil indoor houseplant/outdoor garden/balcony/patio

Beautiful Urban Design plant.

Plant in gritty sandy soil or succulent/cactus soil Keep them Bright Light, sun LED light fluorescent

Water sparingly only when the soil is completely dryIdeal temperature is 65 and 75 degreesOutdoors could tolerate temperatures 25 degrees and aboveWARNING! Wear gloves and goggles while handling this plant. It secretes a milky substance that causes itching his and burns, unlike Cactus with spines. Keep away from kids and pets. It's toxic.

Growing in our private Victorian Garden is Southern California without any chemicals.

Shipping materials are all repurpose.

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